August 7, 2014

Cebu Loop - Introduction

As a Filipino rider, the ultimate riding experience would be a Philippine Loop. I have read about the budget needed and also watched the videos of this couple who did it using big bikes. But before I do that and I don't even know how soon can I do the Philippine Loop, I will do Cebu Loop first. The original plan was actually just a northern Cebu Loop because we already did the southern Cebu Loop in the Holy Week of 2014 but we changed plan once we got to Molobolo Spring. I was challenged by my wife to just continue and do the Cebu Loop halfway of our northern loop. I have managed to group the whole loop by 8, separated by 8 facebook albums. Hopefully I can find the time to blog about each part. :)

But to see the whole Cebu Loop in 10 minutes, watch my humble video below:

Ride Safe! Ride Scoopy! Godspeed!