June 18, 2014

Cebu South Loop - Exciting Kawasan Falls

This is the 4th part of our Summer Vacation 2014 Series:
Part 1 - Failed Camotes Islands Vacation
Part 2 - Mesmerizing Barili (Palalong)
Part 3 - Failed Moalboal Vacation (2nd Time Failed)
Part 4 - Exciting Kawasan Falls in Badian
Part 5 - Peace and "Alegre" in Alegria
Part 6 - Southernmost Cebu Road Trips
Part 7 - Summer Splash at Tingko Beach in Alcoy
Part 8 - Riverstone Castle in Argao
Part 9 - Argao Nature Park (2nd Time Around)
Part 10 - Visita Iglesia (7 Churches Visit)
The magnificent Kawasan Falls
So, we failed to have our vacation in Moalboal because we really did not have any idea which part of Moalboal where those nice white sand beaches were located. We continued heading south and we thought Moalboal to Badian was a short trip because it was just the next town. Well, maybe it was just a short trip but because it was our first time to go there, we thought it was a long one. We even thought maybe we have missed it because we had been riding and we didn't see any signage of Kawasan Falls. Until we saw this health center with a big map. My cousin then checked the map and we found out that Kawasan was still a few meters away from there.

Once we reached the side of the road going to Kawasan, we were greeted with some tour guides and because it was our first time, we took one with us. His name was Jun and I would really recommend this guy to be your tour guide as well when you visit Kawasan. Nice job Jun! :D

We left our motorcycles in the parking area because it's not allowed to be brought to Kawasan. So, we started walking. Jun says it's just a 30-minute walk. Okay, let's do it! From a long trip, now a long walk (at least for us).

We passed by this humbling signage. Yes, we mostly are. :D

Footbridge with waters underneath coming from Kawasan Falls.

Another footbridge.

We felt like we have been walking for hours. Are we there yet, Jun? lolz

Finally, a glimpse of the 1st falls (there are actually 3 falls here).

We tried to climb to the second falls but our "powers" were getting low because of the long ride and the long walk, so we headed back to the 3rd falls. Besides, it was already getting late.

I am telling you, the water was very cold, it was like iced water. Really great for a tired hot body from the long ride and walk. Totally refreshing night swimming!

After swimming, we went back to the road because it was already late and we need to find some place where we can safely sleep.
We also took our dinner in one of the restaurants there and we tasted one of the best sinigang we have ever tasted there. Really enjoyed the dinner, really good food.

We asked Jun which place there offers a cheap yet nice and safe place to rest. He said, most of the resorts there were not that cheap and they all are fully booked as well because it was Holy Week but he knew some place where we can stay where it's cheap and nice. It's just not there in Badian but in the next town of Alegria. He said, it was not that far and we should like it there. We were on bikes so obviously we went there.

You were absolutely right Jun! Nice suggestion. We loved the night we spent in Batong Malunhaw in Alegria. That will be the next post. Stay tuned! :D

Next Up - Peace and "Alegre" in Alegria

Our edition Our travel buddies' edition