June 19, 2014

Cebu South Loop - Peace But "Alegre" Alegria

This is the 5th part of our Summer Vacation 2014 Series:
Part 1 - Failed Camotes Islands Vacation
Part 2 - Mesmerizing Barili (Palalong)
Part 3 - Failed Moalboal Vacation (2nd Time Failed)
Part 4 - Exciting Kawasan Falls in Badian
Part 5 - Peace and "Alegre" in Alegria
Part 6 - Southernmost Cebu Road Trips
Part 7 - Summer Splash at Tingko Beach in Alcoy
Part 8 - Riverstone Castle in Argao
Part 9 - Argao Nature Park (2nd Time Around)
Part 10 - Visita Iglesia (7 Churches Visit)

Early morning snapshot of Batong Malunhaw Beach Resort.

After our night swimming in Kawasan Falls, we tried to find some good place to rest. My cousin brought with them their tent in case we can't find any available rooms. Us? We didn't bring any. I was confident we could find some rooms there but all rooms in Badian are fully booked. It was Holy Week. Luckily, Jun (our Kawasan tour guide) told us about a nice place to rest in Alegria. Batong Malunhaw was the name of the resort. Since we were on motorbikes, we went to that resort. The roads from Badian to Alegria were really dark. Both of our motorbikes have stock headlights. Although mine has hazard and underglow lights. We didn't speed up even though the roads are nice because it was just too dark.

When we reached Batong Malunhaw, we were greeted with a very simple entrance. We asked the guard on duty if there were rooms available. He told us to go to the reception area and ask there. When we asked the ladies at the reception area, they told us that all rooms were fully booked. Even their function halls and other rooms were occupied and they were all full as well. I looked around the place and it has this nice bermuda grass area. We asked if we could just setup our tent their and we would just pay. The ladies talked to their manager and thankfully, we were allowed to put up a tent there. They asked us to pay Php400 all in all and we thought it was a steal. And it was. They even provided us a mattress, pillows, chairs and tables. Wow!

The night also was calm, really perfect for camping. We bought some San Mig Light and balut then after a couple of chitchats, we slept. We woke up early at dawn (me and wifey) and we toured around the place. We had a really good sleep even though we slept outside. Only my cousin and the kids slept in the tent. Fabulous night spent at Batong Malunhaw.

Then, we ordered our breakfast (again, good food) then the kids went for an early swim at the pool. After that, we planned to go to Alcoy. The beach in Batong Malunhaw was not good but we loved how we had a good rest in this resort. So, Tingko, Alcoy Beach Resort on the other side of Cebu, here we go... :D

There's the setup. I slept under that coconut tree. Good thing, no coconut fell on my face. lolz.

These ladies (Mesha and Cindy) had a really long ride so have a really good rest, both of you. :)

Early morning (or dawn) walk. The moon's still there.

The beach area of the resort was not impressive but they had a pool to compensate for that.

Walking along the shoreline waiting for King Sun to come out.

Sunrise and the kids were awake and asked us if they can swim in the pool. Of course, we were there to enjoy.

Here's a nice trivia:
Batong Malunhaw means green (malunhaw) rock/stone (bato) and who wouldn't agree with the name.

Hope these ladies had a good rest. We still had a long way to go, ladies. :)

Kids enjoying the pool. Too early so only 3 of them were swimming.

Wifey took a pose at the entrance with Mesha. By the way, she's practicing driving there. lolz.

We were done with our breakfast, so group photo before we left.

Kids enjoying the bermuda grass.

Until next time, Batong Malunhaw. You are amazing!

Next Up - Southernmost Cebu Road Trips

Our edition Our travel buddies' edition