June 13, 2014

Cebu South Loop - Mesmerizing Barili (Palalong)

This is the 2nd part of our Summer Vacation 2014 Series:
Part 1 - Failed Camotes Islands Vacation
Part 2 - Mesmerizing Barili (Palalong)
Part 3 - Failed Moalboal Vacation (2nd Time Failed)
Part 4 - Exciting Kawasan Falls in Badian
Part 5 - Peace and "Alegre" in Alegria
Part 6 - Southernmost Cebu Road Trips
Part 7 - Summer Splash at Tingko Beach in Alcoy
Part 8 - Riverstone Castle in Argao
Part 9 - Argao Nature Park (2nd Time Around)
Part 10 - Visita Iglesia (7 Churches Visit)
So, we failed our Camotes Islands Vacation plan and so we headed down south of Cebu. We (with my cousin's family) met at 7-Eleven at Caltex Gas Station in Highway, Mandaue City. We started the trip at around 11:00AM and then trekked the SRP roads. When we reached Minglanilla, we were greeted by heavy traffic including towns of Naga, San Fernando and especially Carcar. Wow! Again, this was exodus day from the city so we should have expected this. We were on motorbikes thankfully that although it was hot and tiring (especially the driver), we filtered through the traffic at an acceptable pace. When we reached Carcar, we were already hungry so the best way to feed these grumbling tummies was Mang Inasal and I shouldn't be surprised if the place was packed with customers which it was. Summer teaching us patience, lolz.

The beautiful Palalong in Barili.

After we ate at Mang Inasal in Carcar, we were back on the road. This time, the roads from Carcar to Barili were really nice. It was our first time to trek these roads. No traffic, lots of twisties, green sceneries, cool breeze, good roads for the most part, what more can you ask for a road trip? We haven't taken a lot of pictures because my cousin told me that we should just head straight to Moalboal at a faster pace because it was like a hundred kilometers from Mandaue City and it was a good thing actually because we got to enjoy the roads of Carcar-Barili. My wife actually took a couple of pics and videos, check them out in the YouTube videos at the end of this post.

Suddenly, we saw this really nice place (which we eventually learned it was Palalong) and we can't help but stop and enjoy the gorgeous view. We took a couple of pictures there. It was nice to see the place and just live those seconds watching the awesome scenery. We also enjoyed buko juice being sold there to quench our thirst. We also saw the Molave Milk Station but unfortunately, we failed to pull over there for reasons I really don't know. When we reached Palalong, we questioned ourselves why we didn't stop over at Molave Milk Station.  lolz!

Nice view from here.
Wifey posed with a nice backdrop.
Of course, Mesha would want a selfie pose here.
Thirst quencher Buko Juice (and meat?).
After that, we started to hit the road again for our trip to Moalboal.

Next Up: Failed Moalboal Vacation (2nd Time Failed)

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