I found out about this TV series by way of reading some comments in the blog of
Kara Santos (Travel Up). When Mesha came to us, I really can't find the time anymore for watching movies and TV series. My weekends would have scheduled rides and during weekdays after work, I need to do the things that I supposedly do during my weekends :). I still watch some movies and TV series but it's not as often as it used to be and for a good reason. And this is one of those movies that I would like to watch because I can relate.
Episode 1
The episode started with some narrations about how
Ewan McGregor and
Charley Boorman had this idea of riding around Spain.
These guys are passionate riders, I can see in them. Ewan happens to be a good actor as well (and Charley is also an actor but not as popular as Ewan) and it appears like Charley is the more experienced rider especially on off roads.
The protagonists :) |
New office for the show. |
But then, Ewan changed his mind where he thought that if they want to travel a good amount of distance, why not
travel all around the world. As a rider, Charley didn't have second thoughts on joining Ewan.
This episode was all about setting up, contacting producers, staffs and an office for the entire preparation for the ride. They rented some space in London and turned it into their office.
They also presented the 2 types of bikes that they are going to choose. Ewan likes BMW while Charley likes KTM but Charley talked Ewan out to choose KTM until KTM decided to pull out from their agreement. KTM thought that they would fail after having one of their riders talked to Ewan and Charley.
Ewan talking to the KTM executives about why they don't want their bikes to used in the show. |
Charley was so disappointed. He loves those KTM bikes but because of what happened, I thought KTM blew their chance of having their bikes presented in this series. It would have been good marketing. Ewan, deep inside liked what happened. He wanted the BMW in the first place but he can also feel Charley's disappointments. They are two good buddies.
Disappointed Charlie, takes the KTM poster he had on his wall. |
So they chose BMW and BMW was more than willing to give their bikes to these 2 riders (slash actors).
So they moved on with their preparations, from trainings to consultations. They had physical fitness training, hostile environment consultation and more. The preparation was actually impressive. Given, these are all wealthy people so it's not surprising at all. Plus it's a TV series so the budget was quite big.
All in all, it was a good start. They haven't started their journey yet but it was a good starting episode. Next episode coming up, so stay tuned. :)