The weather was great. At 7AM, we woke up and prepared. The wedding was to be held at 10AM. After we prepared ourselves, me and my ladies went to Sta. Filomina to join the other Scooperos. We planned to have our Scoopys washed along the way and we found a lot of carwash service area on our way to Roxas but most of them were self-service. We were already dressed up so we didn't want to do the washing ourselves so we kept on finding the one where it's not self service.
Unfortunately, we weren't able to take photos on our journey at that point because we were literally running out of time, hahahah! So after our Scoopys were cleaned up, we rode immediately to Roxas Cathedral. Fortunately, we were just in time before the wedding started. At the Cathedral, I immediately "went to work".
Our Scoopys were all lined up beside the Cathedral, ready to convoy the wedding march to the reception area.
Moments later, the bride and the groom arrived at the Cathedral all dressed up.
This was the elegant Roxas Cathedral.
I took a lot of photos but I won't be posting them all here. Below are some of the shots I took.

After the wedding, we then rode in a convoy to the reception area. The wedding was held at Roxas, Zamboanga del Norte but the reception was held at Dipolog City, in Mibang's Hotel, more or less 15 kilometers. I broke out from the convoy time and time again to take photos of the couple.
They even brought their Scoopy inside the hotel and displayed it in front.
Another day in Mindanao and we were still feasting on food. In fairness, Mibang's Hotel's food was really good. Their lechon was the juiciest and the meat of the lechon was so soft and I think it was the best lechon that I have ever tasted and I mean ever. I live in the land considered by a world renowned chef of having the best pig but I think Mibang's lechon is the best, tasty, juicy and very soft and tender meat. We also had a lot of fun at their reception, well-prepared wedding celebration.
The whole celebration ended before 3PM. Micmic invited us for dinner back at Jade's parent's house in Roxas. It was still 3PM so we decided to go somewhere else and kill some time. I proposed to the fellow Scooperos that we go to Cogon Eco Park and in a snap, they all agreed.
Cogon Eco Park was like 10 kilometers away from Sta. Filomina in Dipolog City. It is still part of Dipolog City although far from the town area. It houses trees that were so large and obviously aged.
There were a lot of tree houses at the park and they have one really tall tree house located deeper in the woods. There were also a couple of caged animals like birds and monkeys which looked to be well taken cared of.
It was also really interesting because, there were a lot of trees yet air and wind was scarce. I later found out that the place was highly elevated so that explained the thin air yet it was also landscaped like a valley which promoted lesser air. To those people who wanted a good cardio workout, then this is very good place to jog, walk or bike.
Their tree house was really tall. I actually have a fear of heights but I was so intrigued to climb. My ladies started climbing the tree house immediately when we arrived and that added to the challenge. I was hesitant at first and I was not alone because James (fellow Scoopero) also has fear of heights. But I just can't let this pass, hahahah! So I decided to climb as well yet so slowly.
It was high yet air quality was still too thin, if not thinner. I was having a hard time breathing so I took a couple of stops before I reached the top. After our tour at the top of the tree house, somebody came over (white shirt above image) and said that they were now going to close because it was already 5PM so we started to come down from the tree house and walk outside.
Then the unexpected happened. I was quite sure I was okay but before I could reach the entrance/exit of the park, I felt like passing out. I was having a hard time breathing also. For those who don't know, I also have issues. I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. That moment, I was not sure if I was having an anxiety or panic attack or maybe my heart just couldn't bear the thin air and weariness because of the walking and climbing and my fear of heights didn't help either. I also have a heart condition called Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP) so that's why I suspected my heart as well.
Fortunately, James girlfriend is a nurse. She tried to do her best to not let me pass out. Hahaha! After about 30 minutes of resting, breathing through a paper bag and nursing stuffs, I felt better. After feeling out that I could ride and it was also getting dark, we started to ride to Roxas for dinner.
A feast was again prepared at the house of Jade's parents and because I was still not feeling really well, I was not able to "attack" much of the foods. After the dinner, we planned to go back to Dipolog City and spend the rest of the night at the boulevard. The roads back to Dipolog were dark but our upgraded headlights were doing a good job to help us keep safe.
We roamed around Dipolog City to find a good place to hangout. We then found this place where there was a Harley bike hanged right after their entrance door. It was actually a hangout place for big bike enthusiasts and believe me, bikers rule this place. See that sign? Hehehehe
The place is called Piston Place located near Dipolog Boulevard. This place is a hangout area for bikers especially those affiliated with the National Federation of Motorcycle Clubs, Inc. They even posted a Sturgis bike week event. Take a closer look at the logos hanging on the wall.
We ordered their best selling burger and chicken skin. The place was a little posh and the food prices were a little higher but in fairness, their foods all tasted good. Can you spot the Harley?
We then saw a lady riding a Scoopy and parked alongside our Scoopys. She got off, took out her phone and started on taking photos on our Scoopys. I then approached her and started talking to her. She then asked permission if she could continue taking photos and of course, we let her. We then told her that we came from Cebu and if she would like her Scoopy to get all dressed up, she can contact one of us if ever she'd go to Cebu. After taking photos, she went inside the place. We later found out that she was the manager of the place. Hahahah! She then called the owner (or the wife of the owner) and we started to talk. We had a good chat talking about bikes, rides and events.
Hannah, the manager, was the one in stripped shirt while the owner is the lady in white blouse (next pic).
If you are in Dipolog, go check this place out. That was a really productive day. When it was time to "adjourn" and parted ways, we rode off and separated. Once separated, I noticed my bike was having difficulty throttling up until it died. That was weird! I started her again and it started fine but upon throttling up, it died again. I was so busy the whole day that I didn't notice my tank was empty. Hahahaha! Good thing we were already in the city. The first time I paid for gas because the only nearby station is Shell and I couldn't use my Petron card.
That's it for the second day. Please keep posted for our third and final day at Mindanao.